Investors Service Request

Forms for availing various Investor services

Investors holding securities in physical mode interface with the RTAs, inter-alia, for registering/updating the KYC details and for the processing of various service requests. RTA shall process all investor service requests by accepting the duly filled up request form and the listed companies and RTAs shall make the soft copy of the forms available on their websites. The forms should be in downloadable and fillable format. The service requests along with requisite forms are tabulated below:

Registering / Updating the KYC details

S.No Particulars Form
PAN, Contact details (postal address, Mobile number & E-mail), Bank details
Nominee details

ISR – 1
ISR – 2
(as applicable)

Processing of various service requests

S.No Particulars Form
Issue of Duplicate securities certificate, Replacement/ Renewal/ Exchange of securities certificate, Consolidation of securities certificate, Sub-division/ splitting of securities certificate, Consolidation of folios, Endorsement, Change in the name of the holder, Change in the status from Minor to Major and resident to NRI and vice versa, Claim from Unclaimed Suspense Account and Suspense Escrow Demat Account, Transposition